Citizen Safety

Solution Traffic School & ICA

Solutions Traffic School & ICA educates people who have committed infractions or violations of traffic laws on road safety to reduce the presentation of future sanctions by teaching them about traffic rules and the consequences of their behavior.

Solutions Traffic School has a holistic approach, where education not only focuses on the violation, but also identifies the needs of the participant and connects with community services.

Benefits of Solutions Traffic School & ICA

We help you:


Avoid accumulating points on your license


Get lower prices on insurance


Maintain your good driving status


Eliminate costs and time in court


Advice on procedures for all types of tickets


We offer courses of:

4 hours for traffic fines

4 hours for first license

8 and 12 hours for court order for suspended license (HTO)

Receive insurance discount (seniors)

Preparation for the Florida State License Theoretical Examination.

Are you interested?

We are at your service. Do not hesitate to get in touch!